How to contact the developers

Oct 15, 2019 - 9:01 AM

  • Does anyone know how to contact the developers of the Atomic Pi? Do they monitor this forum? I have an up coming project that this could be a core part of and I'm trying to find someone to actually talk too. I guess that I am having issues with that is a sign.


    The signs here and on reddit arguably suggest that the Atomic Pi bubble has burst, in that what we have is all that we'll be getting.

    I'm more than happy with mine and how I use it, but I don't think there will be upgrades or a Mark 2 version any time soon.

  • Yatsushiro-
    Rumors of our death are exaggerated. Seriously, just give us a call if we can help 408 330-5599. Near Silicon Valley? Knock on the door & we'll show you around.
    -Martin & Team
    PS. Have a look at the developers kit on Kickstarter if you're interested in neural computing on the APi.
