Hello There! Some Good News! (partly copied from the other pulseaudio not working
thread and extended)
Sorry that I drop quite late on this HDMI sound issue. I received my first Api very recently.
The Atomic Pi that I received on January 2020 was shipped with a 18.04.1 Bionic Lubuntu.
So you may receive an SBC with this LTS version. In this LTS version, pulseaudio
, the sound server does not work so well with the HDMI sound card, and all the sound delivery may be very unstable.
Then what you read here is probably relevant.
A proven solution: You should as soon as possible download from dlidirect
and install the fresher 19.04 Disco Lubuntu image on your SBC.
This is because the pulseaudio version which is embedded on the Disco
pulseaudio version 12.2
With this newer version of pulseaudio, every thing works fine.
This is what I can confirm from my installation, and my tests.
I did not try the 18.10 Cosmic version.
I did not try the newer 19.10 Eoan, because we have no APi dedicated system image available from the dli
And to upgrade the LTS Bionic from 18.04.1 to the last LTS subversion18.04.4 does not solve the problem,
because even the last 18.04.4 has yet the buggy pulseaudio version 11.1.
The next LTS version to come , called Focal
, is to be delivered as 20.04
in two months from now.
It is announced with a pulseaudio version 13.xxx, that should be more than okey
Though, I have no idea whether and when we will get an APi dedicated Lubuntu Focal
image ready to be downloaded and then dumped on the eMMC.
And at this moment , I dont know how to build such APi dedicated system image with all the specific APi drivers and configs. Do You? May you explain?
Hello Thierry, from your recent message, I read that you have a fine running APi working on Debian Buster . Congratulations!
The Pulseaudio version of Debian Buster was made quite fresh during the updates.
It avoids the problems encountered with the Ubuntut LTS 18.04 even in the latest subversion 18.04.4
Is your Debian system on the USB key, on the SD card, on dumped on the eMMC?
Thierry, did you manage to install the Api specific drivers?
I am very concerned about using the Xmos sound together with the onboard class D amplifier? I would apreciate your feed back
Have fun , and more with your wonderful APi!
Best Regards