Installation of FuryBSD on Atomic Pi

Aug 14, 2020 - 10:00 AM

  • I have written a 10 page pdf on installing FuryBSD. How do I attach it?

  • The only way I've seen on here is to put it in Google Drive and link it.
    I've actually never heard of the BSD based OS, care to share some details on it? 32 bit or 64 bit? How big is the installed OS? How much RAM and CPU does it eat up at idle?

  • Sorry for the delay. This is FuryBSD 64bit on a 64G micro sd card. The total install including the operating system and the software takes about 22G, leaving 42G for storage and data. The PDF is 16 pages long, is extensive, covers everything. Video, Sound, Bluetooth headset and Bluetooth File Transfer both ways between cell phone. It took me 4 months to finish it after researching everything, because I have never used a BSD system before. Will add usb TV receiver card. PDF created with Xelatex using emacs and auctex, since formatting necessary to make it readable.
