Yes I am a bit of a newbie.

After I got the APi, there wasn't any power supply so I didn't start using it until a few days ago. I got a 5V 6A power and that seems to run fine. I have the whole enchillada with the large breakout board.

I already have keyboard, HDMI monitor, wireless mouse, but now I also need antennas. And a USB hub. Is there a beginners list of all hardware to get for the APi? Just to save myself (and others) from too many trips into town (or online merchants).

  • Power supply (at least 5V 2.5A but more amps needed if using power hungry peripherals). 12V if using breakout board amplifier for external speakers. Connectors if no breakout board.
  • USB mouse and keyboard (or alternatively Bluetooth)
  • Monitor with HDMI input
  • 3 PCB dual band antennas (2 for WiFi and 1 for Bluetooth)
  • Memory card (Micro SD?)
  • USB hub
  • USB memory sticks (for external boots)
  • Breakout board
  • Casing

What else is either needed, or nice to have?

Then onto operating system, updates and such - where to start? I wish it would have been a bit more user friendly and less time consuming ... but at least I am learning a lot about APi, Ubunto, Linux, Terminal and such.

Can I make Windows XP or 7 work on the APi? Booting from SD card or USB? Issues with Microsoft licensing, if I don't have an install DVD?

Software - managed to make SuperTuxCart work, albeit without sound.