after putting the initial logging in password. the screen turned into a solid color or keep resetting. using a HDMI monitor. volt check to 5volt. Any suggestions?
after putting the initial logging in password. the screen turned into a solid color or keep resetting. using a HDMI monitor. volt check to 5volt. Any suggestions?
I experienced the same issues (blue, yellow, red screens etc) and multiple resets. It was fixed by increasing the number of 5v and gnd pin connections from 2 to 4 each, using bigger diameter wire (20awg). System has proved to be reliable and consistent since.
Check your PSU is delivering a true 5v at boot and graphics startup, that you have at least 3 amps and that your wire and connections do not cause a voltage drop at the api.
I also had those issues. As mentioned above this is most likely a power related problem. I
spent some time on improving the connector (also soldered 4 wires for VCC and GND) and added a pair of capacitors ( It is pretty stable now. You should measure voltage on the board itself (not on the power supply), if your wires are long, it won't get 5V, and on 4.8V you gonna get these colors... So, put some thicker (or more) cables and make sure they are not too long...
Hi Alex
What is the purpose of the capacitors, some sort of surge protector? What values are they?
I had the same problem and it turned out to be the power supply. The atomicpi is very sensifive to voltage fluctuations. I was using a 5V 3.6amp wall wart but the voltage was dropping to 4.85V when powering the atomicpi. Once I switched to a switched (regulated power supply) the issues cleared.