howto connect FAN

Jun 16, 2019 - 9:40 AM

  • hi,
    my pi seems to turn off at 58-60 deg C. I see the fan label on the board but dont want to solder on the main board. does the large breakout board have fan connectors? if i solder on the main board are there any additional components needed? what is the maximum cpu temp really? intel says 90?

  • good question

  • Hello, using 5V/GND from the GPIO fan you can connect a non PWM fan running at constant speed.
    Fan are usually 12V, not all of them can start from 5V. The Shadow wings (first version / non PWM /12V) runs slowly at 5V (I use it this way in an internet box)

  • They make 5 volt fans also

  • ok but you not have controle on it if we connected directly on gpio 5v wright?

  • problem solved. 12v fan on the 5v supply.
    i recommend sunon maglev
